Friday, December 19, 2008


No, your eyes aren't deceiving you...I am really blogging!!! Okay, so with my candy party, going to see joe, cookies being ordered galore, I haven't had much time to blog, let alone breathe. But that's all changed now and it's pretty much smooth sailing until Christmas, so yes, I'm back!!! Can I get a Woo Hoo?! I have so much to add to my blog, which I will do in the next few days. I am so excited to post my trip to Texas to see Joe. But, I'm about to leave for work. So, one quick tidbit before I have to go....last night I saw a reindeer! Or was it a goat? Actually it was both. For those of you less fortunate to not know the goat man of Escalon...there is a man who cuts down trees and hawls a goat in the back of his truck with him. He's referred to by all of Escalon as the goat man. Well, it's his pet. He walks it on a leash and everything. Last night as I was delivering pizzas, I got startled when I saw a small four-legged creature walking down a sidewalk with HUGE antlers!!! At first I couldn't quite figure it out, but then I realized it was the Goatman. He had put antlers on his goat and was walking him down the street. I tried to hurry and take a picture, but all I got was my dashboard reflection. Sorry, Misty, I totally am dissapointing you now on my photo taking abilities. But it was so funny. People were lined up outside their houses to see a "reindee". I laughed pretty hard. Which was good because it turned my aweful night of delivering pizzas in the freezing cold just a little better!