Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Calvin turned the big 1 yesterday. I can't believe how fast he is growing. We had a great time watching him eat his first birthday cake. I might add he definitely takes after me. He sure does have a sweet tooth. Here are some fun facts about Calvin.
1. He loves to feed the dog his food. He thinks it's the funniest thing in the world.
2. His favorite game is playing peek-a-boo with his dad
3. His favorite toy is the remote control for the tv. We tried buying him a toy one, but it just isn't the same i guess
4. He can say "mama" "dada" "baba" and now he says "cha cha". that is what he calls our dog, checkers
5. he thinks he's superman and just flies off the couch (getting hurt of course)
6. he loves bath time.
7. he loves our dog and loves to jump on him
8. he has learned how to pinch (which i do not like one bit)
9. when he laughs it's like he can't breathe and tries to suck in a lot of air. it's so cute
10. his favorite cartoon is mickey mouse. he loves the songs and loves to dance to them in the mornings.

his one year pictures
getting ready to eat some yummy cake

it was soooo good. he would have eaten the whole cake if we had let him. love you buddy. Happy birthday!!!

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