Sunday, September 14, 2008

Okay, so I've been really really bad about posting anything. As you can see it's been over a month now. So, I decided to do a little recap (hopefully) on the events of this past month.
#1. Found out I'm PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joe and I have been trying for over 3 years. And let me tell you after so much dissapointment, it is so surreal to actually know I will be having a little baby. I'm due April 20th and Joe and I just went in for the first ultrasound. Little Pinto Bean is doing just fine.
#2. Joe just celebrated his 26th birthday. We had a fun day of going to the doctor and then out to lunch. We ate at his favorite restaurant that just opened up in Modesto called BJ's. It is really good. It was low key and I felt kinda bad about that because the day mostly consisted of the doctor's appointment. But he got a Pizzookie at BJ's and that seemed to make him quite happy.
#3. Just working alot. I shouldn't complain about my job. I just get burnt out sometimes. And with all of the cakes I've been doing lately it's been quite a struggle to keep up with daily tasks. So my bedroom and bathroom are quite the disaster. But I cannot complain about how supportive Joe has been, always making sure I'm okay and I'm not overdoing it.
#4. YARD SALE!!! We had a big yard sale yesterday. I got up before the sun was up. We headed over to my aunt's who let us use her large front yard. We did really good. We made quite a bit of cash and got rid of alot of things. We're trying to lighten our load for our future move in April/May. In the middle of the yard sale I had to head over to Modesto to set up a wedding cake for a lady. Then I headed back to the yard sale. And if I'm not already a glutten for punishment, I requested to work that night. Unfortunately it was Outlaw night meaning all of the city league football teams came in about 9 pm and I didn't get home until around 1 am. I was so exhausted. Everyone could see how worn down I was. Practically in tears-not a pretty sight. I couldn't even make it to church today because I was in pretty bad shape. But now I'm doing great!

Well, that's it I think. oh yeah, I 'd better mention the fun trip us girls took in august. I won't say too much except it was soooo much fun. I love you guys. Lorilee, Misty and Tami are some of the funniest, sincerest and most beautiful people and I'm glad to be your friend. When's our next adventure girls????


mistyb said...

crazy busy weekend girl. we missed you at church today, glad to hear you are feeling better! We are so excited for little baby Archuleta!!

Tami said...

I am glad that the yard sale went so well! You need to slow down girl your going to wear yourself right out. Your pregnant now so that's a great reason for you to take it easy.
The girls trip was fun and we should plan something again soon!