Monday, October 27, 2008


I had my latest doctor's appointment today. I went in with my mom and sister, Wendy. I was supposed to hear the heartbeat today. But apparently babies love to move around. So, I didn't get to hear the heartbeat, but they brought in the ultrasound machine. It was so much fun to see my little baby move around so much. It's only about 3 1/2 inches long. But I love this picture. If you look at the head you can see the eye sockets. It reminds me of an alien. Ah, my little alien baby. You are so cute and so mine. I love you already. If you can't tell, the baby is is lying on it's stomach so it's head is facing down. The long line is the spine. The heart beat was great. The baby is perfect. That's what I love to hear!


Tami said...

what a great shot! I am so excited for you, your little thing is going to be perfect!!

Lorilee said...

Yeah for alien babies!!!! I loved reading all the catch up the blog. Cute pic of you guys in San Fran.

mistyb said...

yeah!! so cute and it looks like you had so much fun in SF! What an exciting next few months you guys have coming up!! :)