Monday, June 29, 2009


Yesterday afternoon we headed over to Mesa to check out the temple. It was 114 degrees outside and after we got there I thought it might have been a mistake. It's not like I could just take my 2 month old son out for a stroll around the temple grounds in this heat. But we decided to walk around it and found the visitor's center. It was open and even better it was air conditioned. We went inside. I am so glad we went. A couple of nice sisters showed us around and we saw an exhibit on the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Then we watched the Joseph Smith movie. I loved it and balled. It was so moving and I felt the spirit so strong. It was a great experience for our family and I can't wait to go back there soon. Here are a few pictures we took at the temple. I'm never in any pictures because I'm always the one taking them...

1 comment:

mistyb said...

glad it turned out to be a great trip. I love that temple, it's so unique and i love that it totally fits the desert surroundings!