Okay, so today I thought I'd recap on my pregnancy. My due date was on Monday, April 20th. Today, 5 days later, I am still waiting.....waiting for my little man to make his grand entrance. He sure does know how to keep us all in suspense! On Wednesday evening, I wasn't feeling that great, so we came home early from a nice dinner at my aunt's house. Well, a little while longer I started having some small contractions. By midnight they were getting stronger, but still pretty far apart. Around 6 in the morning, they were about 5 minutes apart, still pretty strong, but pretty bareable. Then around 9 they were about 2 to 4 minutes apart and so we decided to head over to labor and delivery to get checked out. Well, on my way over, the contractions pretty much stopped. And after getting checked out, they sent me home. You could imagine my dissappointment. Then, to make me even more discouraged, I hadn't even dialated or efaced any more than I was a week ago. And now it is Saturday and I haven't even had any more contractions. Not sure what that was all about, but I have to say, I think it was a pretty mean joke for my body. I just wish that you would get signs that would tell you that ok, now that this happens you are this amount of time away from having your baby. I don't think it's too much to ask. But, Calvin is still healthy and pretty darn active. He isn't slowing down much and must love it where he is. He is in no hurry to leave his happy home. Me, on the other hand, I'm ready to have this guy. I go back Monday to see if I'm progressing. That will put me at 41 weeks and if I don't have him by then, they will most likely schedule me for an induction. I never thought it would be so long and so hard to wait. Wish me luck everyone. I really don't want to be induced. But, I guess I gotta do what I gotta do.
Here's what Calvin looks like right now. Isn't it amazing????!!!!!