Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I was cleaning out some of my things down in the basement the other day. I came across this picture of Joe and I when we were dating. I LOVE these photos. First, we look so young, second, we look so in love. I know they are a bit dorky but I thought they were lost and I was SO excited to find them. It was all folded up and wrinkled but I think they came out great. I love you JOE!!! By the way I think this was the Summer of 2001


I am a mother! said...

These are priceless!

mistyb said...

seriously what a treasure to find those! you guys are so dang cute!

Lorilee said...

Those are great. And you are so cute Mel. That is a lot of fun. I have some of me and Carl in 1992. They are classic.