Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well, it is official.....I'm officially done working. I have to say I have quite a bit of emotions about this transition in my life. I have never not had to work before. I started working for D'Boni's Pizza when I was 16 years old. At the time it was for extra spending money and for me to save to buy a car. Well, as college rolled around, I continued to work until I graduated. Then I decided to go on a mission (a different kind of work). When I returned from my mission I got engaged and I needed to work to help make ends meet since we were moving to a more expensive part of the state. Then we moved back and again, I worked to help pay off our debt. Well, the time has come that our debt is pretty much taken care of (except for our car) and Joe has a very good career ahead of him in the Air Force. Now, the baby is almost here and I am taking maternity leave. I have been so excited for this day to come, when I wouldn't have to be on my feet all day long or deal with crazy customers. But truth be told I'm pretty sad today. D'boni's is like family to me. I practically grew up there and worked with many different family members and great friends throughout the years. And since I've always worked since I was 16, I'm not sure what life will be like with this big change. Yeah, I know I will be working hard taking care of a little baby boy, but it will be different, that's all. So, goodbye to a great job and great people whom I love very much. Another chapter in our lives is taking place...moving to a new state....having a baby......a new career for my!

1 comment:

Lorilee said...

I am excited for you, but I also understand how sad it is to leave a great job. You are starting a new chapter of your life and you are going to be AMAZING!!! Seriously little Calvin is so unbelievably blessed to have you for his mom. I love you and I can't wait to meet the little guy.